Al Fath’s Father

The Project Showcase at Tunas unggul was really exciting, there were art performances, project presentations, the creativity was extraordinary, the children were enthusiastic, thanks to the teachers. Great job!

Mikaila’s Mother

With the PTI activities at Early Years Tunas Unggul, I can know the development of my child, of course with the help of teachers who have formed Mika into a more independent child, and in terms of emotional maturity.

Ardana’s Parents

Tunas Unggul is a global Islamic school, the activities and learning process are suitable for children. My child’s development is very significant.

Tsabit’s Father

Tunas Unggul has an extraordinary project showcase. I really appreciate seeing how the performance of the children who prepared everything independently, thank God it went smoothly, thank you for the teachers and parents and all students who have maximized today. Amazing, extraordinary 👍

Binar’s Mother

For 2 years, binar who was shy became confident, could explore his feelings again, had many friends, his development was quite significant.

Elnara’s Mother

The school is close to home, from several trial schools Tunas Unggul is the most suitable for children, homey environment, and very warm and patient teachers. Many of the developments are usually shy, the most memorable is the process of eating nara.

Fachry’s Mother

At SMP Tunas Unggul, the learning system is fun… Because you can practice directly by making projects or visiting places according to the learning theme… The school environment is safe and comfortable… Communication between parents and teachers is good… Parents also stay in touch with each other. well maintained because there were events involving parents […]

Salsa’s Mother

SMP Tunas Unggul is Salsa’s pride. At SMP Tunas Unggul, Alhamdulillah, Salsa has become more sholeha, independent, disciplined, broader in her knowledge and very respectful of time, in between her busy activities. As a parent, I feel very grateful to Allah for choosing the right school, SMP Tunas Unggul.

Maureen’s Mother

In addition to being close to home, SMP Tunas Unggul which is based on Islam, is supported by learning methods with the use of modern devices, allowing children to receive religious guidance as a provision for life balanced with knowledge of socializing along with the development of science and technology. The extracurricular activities are also […]

Farrel’s Mother

Learning at SMP Tunas Unggul is very good, there is a balance between intellectual and spiritual, physical and mental, as well as personal and social. The learning system can also be said to be unique because students are often invited to directly interact in the real world so that there is a balance between theory […]

Zahra Firdy’s Mother

Alhamdulillah, this is the third year that our child has been studying at SMP Tunas Unggul, we have learned a lot of lessons, in terms of morals and especially we have learned a lot about the advantages that our child has by attending school here. So that our child becomes more confident in our child […]

Kalinda’s Mother

A school with a unique and cool learning concept. Not only about grades, pencils & paper, but about morals, character building, self-confidence, independence, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit began to be formed.

Gwen’s Mother

So far, SD Tunas Unggul is still the best choice. The material content, as well as the chosen KBM activities are interesting. Coupled with the enthusiasm of the teachers who are so active and cooperative, I feel safe and comfortable leaving my child to receive education at this school.